Member Rights And Responsibilities

  • Membership cards or ID’s shall be issued when necessary for all active members of the organization with or without fee.
  • Members have the right to participate in election starting from the first day of registration
  • Members have the right to be elected after one year of membership registration date.
  • “Annual Membership dues” (if any) shall not include the fees of a specified number of organization events. Donations shall be accepted for events from the members and non-members.
  • “Members” who do not follow the rules and regulations of the organization shall be subject to removal from membership at the approval of the Executive Council.
  •  For removal from membership, a proper notice specifying the alleged violation shall be given to such member to respond to within 30 days.

Annual membership Dues or Donations

The annual membership dues (if any) shall be decided by the Executive Council of the organization. Membership shall be for one year commencing on July 1st  and ending on June  30th . The membership fees (if any), once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances. Donations once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances.


  • A member can terminate his or her membership voluntarily by submitting a Voluntary Membership Termination form. The Executive council should make that form a long with instructions available. Members would be entitled to a full refund for the current term membership fees. Members can elect not to collect the membership fees; in that case the membership fees will be turned into a donation.
  • Upon the recommendation of the EC and with a majority vote, the Executive council could terminate the membership of any member that violates the spirit of the membership, the requirements of the membership or the principles of the organization.
  • Fail to pay annual fee for two consecutive years
  • Deliberately working to cause problem and conflicts among members and found to be a treat for the organization and shall be approved by EC
  • No refund of any fee

Procedure for termination

For discipline case, the first Oral notice shall be given, then if persists written notice shall be given and finally termination by approval from EC.


Reinstatement of a member requires a majority vote by the Executive council after receiving a recommendation to reinstate from the Members Affair Department. Unless the termination and reinstatement have taken place during the same year and the member did not collect the membership fees upon termination, full membership fees are due within 30 days of reinstatement independent of the time of reinstatement