Aim And Objectives


Kasma’s Aim is narrowing generational gap and building strong society through working on social, cultural, educational, and economical and other humanitarian arenas so as to create productive citizens that contributes for the development of its nation and country at all.


The organization shall be organized exclusively for multipurpose activities to address various challenges of the community. It aimed to organize and mobilize the community to solve their own challenges.

Our Major Objectives

  • Utilize the skills and resources of the community to develop the vision and plans necessary to meet the religious, social, economic, educational, and other developmental needs of our community today and in the future.
  • To establish contacts and affiliations with organizations which share our goals and work in collaboration with them
  • To work on sustainable income generating activities for this organizations and other affiliate organization and raise funds according to protocol in place
  • To organize charitable, educational, and recreational events to foster
  • To participate in social welfare activities.
  • To publish and circulate newsletters, magazines, audio visuals and other literary publications in various languages
  • To promote unity and collaboration
  • To raise the community awareness on their rights and responsivities
  • Establish and efficiently utilize the necessary institutions to serve the community.
  • Evolve into a vibrant community focusing on its own affairs as well as leading the community at large by being a model
  • To use the existing media effectively and efficiently. Promote and support the establishment of new medias in a variety of specialties
  • Shall preserve, record, and tell our community history and preserve, promote, and maintain historical places or goods
  • Utilize for technology, education, and research for teaching, training and practice
  • Promote & give a community service for vulnerable community