Our Values


Strive for efficiency, effectiveness, and meaningful results across our work, continually seek to improve our operations and increase our impact and also take pride in our work and our accomplishments.


Honesty and transparency, accountability for our efforts, consistently maintaining high moral standards and also being ethical in all that we do is our organization value.


Beyond our selves and partners demonstration, respect for the people we serve in our project areas, recognize and acknowledge the strength that comes from diversity while value all people equally and treat others as we would like to be treated we also will be our value.


Seek to ensure that all cultural heritages are Protected, Strengthened and Empowered. We value every nation and nationalities cultures, Religions and languages Heritages and seek to ensure everyone fulfill their potential.


We value our differences and draw strength from diversity. we support programs that engage people across the affected areas. We value every member of our team, learn from their experience, and foster their active engagement. We advance equality, foster equal opportunity and address inequality within our organization and in our work.

Commitment to learning

Our commitment to learn, know, acknowledge and well understand our peoples cultural, historical, language, religious and other values while We seek to  improve ourselves and our work continually through reflection and evaluation. We design and assess programs with an eye towards constant improvement. We recognize that professional development is fundamental to team satisfaction and success.